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What is the worship service like?

We are a faith community that is all about loving God and loving people. As you look through our site, we hope that you will discover that Lyttleton Pentecostal has something for you and your family. As you do, you will begin to see that LPC is more than just a Sunday service, it is a family of everyday people following Christ to bring hope, healing and change to our community and world.

What is the worship service like?

Our Sunday morning service begins with uplifting music and a warm welcome, followed by a teaching from God’s Word that is sure to encourage, challenge and inspire.

Are classes available for children during services?

In our family worship service the Seeds to Roots children’s program begins at the same time as the adult teaching portion (11:15). The teacher will accompany your child to their class and you can pick them up at the end of our service (12:00). We also have Sunday school for Teens at the same time.

What do we believe?

  • We believe the Holy Scripture (the Bible) is inspired by God

  • We believe in one God, who has always existed in three Persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  • We believe in salvation by faith in the shed blood of Jesus; the resurrection from the dead, eternal life for those who receive Him, and eternal death for those who reject Him.

  • We believe in water baptism as an essential next step for the believer, and is performed by immersion only upon the repentant believer.

  • We believe that believers may be filled with the Holy Spirit and that “speaking in tongues” is the scriptural physical sign.

  • We believe in divine healing and miracles. We believe in prayer for those who are sick and afflicted.

Our Mission

Lyttleton Pentecostal church exists as a local congregation to show the world God’s love as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, and to serve our community through the power of the Holy Spirit.. Hebrews 13:8

Our Vision

We seek to teach the world of God in a way that challenges and empowers people to fulfill their God-intended purpose. We desire to bring healing to the broken and to instruct people to care for one another with the love of Christ.


To establish a ministry where the Holy Spirit can bring healing, restoration, and wholeness to the Miramichi, the Nation and the World!


Our purpose is to allow Jesus to BUILD His Church, so that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

B -- Build a place of worship where the Holy Spirit can do great things in Gods people.

U -- Utilize the body to provide care, ministry, and evangelism

I -- Inspiration for creative ministry

L -- Leave no one behind (fellowship)

D -- Discipleship development

Lyttleton Pentecostal Church, 37 Halcomb Rd, Lyttleton, NB. E9E 1V5        (506) 836-1820

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