Lyttleton Pentecostal Church was established in the early part of the 20th century, circa 1930. Two local men heard and recieved the pentecostal message while working in Campbellton, N.B. Upon returning home, they began to tell of the good things that God was doing and especially about the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. Their message was not very well recieved in the community. They even lost their jobs because they insisted that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was for today.
Eventually they began a Church where people of like faith could meet together and worship God. Their beginnings were very humble. Their first building was a log cabin that one could see through the cracks. Stories are told of the building being pelted with rocks during services as well as other distractions such as covering the chimney to fill the Church with smoke.
One elderly gentleman said that he would sit outside of the Church and listen to the pastor, Della Carstead, pray for hours.