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Family Worship Service - 10:30 am

Children’s Church for all ages, nursery provided

Service includes contemporary worship followed by the Word.



Ladies Prayer – 1:00pm

(Senior’s Complex)

Home Care Bible Study – 7:30pm

(at the Myles’)



Prayer & Ministry – 7:00pm

Informal prayer and intercessory time, which consists of people believing God for great things in the Miramichi area as well as our nation and

around the world.


Power Prayer Encounter

Third Saturday of each month--10:00 am till 12 Noon and 6:30pm a concert of prayer  "Come when you can, leave when you must!"


Hymn Sing

Third Sunday of the month--6:30pm at our Seniors Complex

Lyttleton Pentecostal Church, 37 Halcomb Rd, Lyttleton, NB. E9E 1V5        (506) 836-1820

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